I stumbled on this post on twitter/x: https://x.com/SuicideGirls/status/1749553342458593695?s=20 (if the link doesn't work, it is the SG account post from Jan 22, 2024 regarding OF stream.) Going through the last page or so of recent streams in the SG OF account, I do not see anyone that matches the person in the photo?

I believe it is the @thayavlis

I'd say doom3 is my favorite of the "modern" doom games. I especially love the terminals that you can interact with.

I really enjoy doom3 as well!
I think I've only played the first and maybe the second but I was small and the game seemed scary. But the movie based on the game was pretty good.

I have been toying with the idea of teaching part-time at a local community college as a second/side job in computer science/cybersecurity. Anyone have any thoughts (good or bad) about that? I'm 2 courses away from my master's degree and the low-level/entry jobs in computer science prefer a master's bud do not require it - meaning I could potentially fill a slot (if available) with...
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Community colleges focus on teaching and learning. Many students are highly motivated adults. I think you'll have a positive experience.
I decided to put this idea on hold for a while. First I am almost done with my master's and am entertaining the idea of going for a PhD.  Second, I am not sure I will have enough free time for a second (even part-time) job.

I think my next vehicle is going to be a 1999 jeep xj with small lift and 33" (or bigger) tires. Inexpensive, reliable, infinitely modifiable, cheap parts, tons of them out there, and good off-roading abilities.

I like these cars, do you have a photo?😼

yet on dev boards it is the only way to interact with it until you have an OS installed. Ubuntu seems to not only no longer support serial console installs (last mention was 16.04 and even that required modifying the installer a little), but they seem to no longer support pxe as well..? I guess I'll look into a "legacy" distro then. Cursor search suggests...
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It doesn't make sense to me, but it's very interesting

Spent 5 days (M-F) last week in Bend, La Pine, and surrounding areas in Oregon. Went and looked at the lava fields (pretty massive!) and floated one of the rivers. While the temp was a bit high (upper 80s F and hit 90-something F on our last day) it was so much better than the humid heat we have here on the coast. Got home...
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My fitbit charge5 seems to have died. The display just shows a bunch of lines and static (like an old tv with no signal!) and the battery only lasts a few hours. Tried a bunch of things: restart, reset, via the button on the cable. Pretty sad since it is only ~2 years old. I'm not sure I'd buy another one.. maybe a pixel watch...
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Been there, switched to Garmin Solar, so far no bad surprises a lot more accurate in counting things I do...
I gave up after my 4th one died, they started making junk!     @alexislust 🤣.     +1 on @sdawg74’s recommendation.  I’ve had my Garmin Instinct 2 Solar a few years & it tracks the “Fitbit metrics” as well or close & adds a bunch of cool features.  I have all the phone notification garbage shut off as I can’t stand the interruptions & it drains battery life.  Also, for reference, I hate the Apple / Google “smart” watches for the same reasons - annoying!

A while back I created a mastodon instance (https://madscientists.social) and thought I'd ask if anyone here wants to join me? While the focus is STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) really any topic is fine including art and photography. So far the only real rule is no hate. Content can be about just about anything including things that most would label NSFW - honestly I...
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Setting: Kids spill something on stove burner. Then later the burner gets used and black smoke billows out and flames shoot out around the pot and go slightly higher than the pot is tall.

Smoke alarm: ...

Setting: piece of toast, very lightly toasted (only on setting 2!) No smoke, no smell.

Smoke alarm: Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the dogs of war.

hahahhaah sounds like my house all the time

What Code editor and/or IDEs are people using these days. I see a fair amount of talk about vscode, but here I am over here under a rock still using vim...


I keep trying to weigh the costs of doing things in the cloud versus having a home lab. Right now I have a mix of both and find the the home lab tends to be cheaper if spread over a few year period. Things like disk space are fairly expensive in the cloud, while things like shared cpu usage are cheap. It is annoying to...
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