$10.00 Tip From quiet_octavian


Your photos and videos are both beautiful and so natural/candid! It seems like you haven't mentioned your back injury on SG, but I hope you're healing up and that it's getting less painful!

Thank you so much!!!
It had been getting better! Still flares up from time to time, but not nearly as bad as it was!! 😘😘 I appreciate you!

$1.00 Tip From weedfarmer


Enjoyed your live stream.


Thank you so much for taking the time to support my newest set 🫢🏻 I’ll be watching out for β€œAfter Party” 🩷🩷


From aaslan74


As I promised you, a questionnaire you can fill out (if you want.) This one is a birthday questionnaire:

1.)  If your life had a theme song for the past year, what would it be?

2.)  If you could have any superpower until your next birthday, what would it be?

3.)  Be a fortune teller and predict one thing that will happen before your next birthday?

4.)  Create a new holiday in honor of your birthday. What would you call it?

5.)  If you could be a kid again on your birthday, what would you do?

6.)  If you could teleport anywhere on your birthday, where would you go to?

7.) If you had to create a reality tv show based on this past year, what would it be called and why?

8.) If you could magically acquire a new skill or talent for your birthday, what would it be?

9.) If you were to create a signature birthday cocktail, what would be in and what would you name it?

10.) If you could have a birthday celebration with unlimited resources, what would it entail?

11.) What accomplishments or milestones are you most proud of from the past year?

12.) What is one thing you would want to let go of or leave behind as you enter this next year of your life?

13.) What experiences or adventures do you want to pursue in the next year?

$1.00 Tip From Anonymous
