$1.00 Tip From sunwen1409


Thank you! sorry I missed your message until now!

From babyfunk


Hello @waikiki, I wanted to stop by and say how much I appreciate and value your hard work as a photographer! I realized today that I, and I’m sure many others, have not shown our gratitude for your work. “As amazing as the subjects are in front of the lens, the true magic is from the one who pulls the trigger”! Take care and I look forward to more of your beautiful photos. Do you have a fans only, PayPal or patreon? I would love to send you something to show how much I appreciate you. (I noticed you don’t have a gift icon on your Profile page 😡)  thanks again, Joseph aka BABYFUNK

OHH Thank you! sorry I missed your message until now! I do have a tips button, is that what you mean? (:

From babyfunk


Hello @WAIKIKI. I think crash and castaway were some of the first sets I viewed here. I’m glad you’re still around and I look forward to more. Thank you 😊

From turtle


Hope you're doing fine despite the situation and stay safe. Hopefully we can meet soon sharing a bathroom together ❤

Hey darling, how are you? Always done to share bathrooms together 🤙🏽😘  blijf gezond!
I'm doing fine! Super busy with work as nurse in the Covid-19 isu. Having bruises all over my face (see my page) Ik mis je! 😘

omg you’re still here... hope all is well

Oh yeah , still here! (: how have ya been?
I’ve been okay!! We used to chat a lot on my old account. You’re still one of my faves. Thank you for messaging back

Hey you, i hope all is well with you and you are safe 

HEY darling, thanks for your message! Me and my family (& friends) are well! Crazy times ahead! <3 How are you?
Infection rate is low here in Canada and the province i live in, but we did have to cancel a trip to Costa Rica. Good to here all is safe

$3.00 Tip From afriskyfox


wow! gifted behind and in front of the camera! thank you for all you are!

Thank you!! <3
sorry for the tiny tip 🙁 limited resources!

$2.00 Tip From Anonymous


Thank you!! <3

$2.00 Tip From konjoe


love your sets. you are amazing.
