At first these photos were in my don't edit pile because the dog beach is on the Ponce De Leon Inlet side of the Park and most of the water is from the Halifax River which is full of tanins and has a very brownish color that isn't very attractive for bathing suit photos, but beacause the lighthouse and several other points of interest were on that side I wanted to shoot there anyway. Most of the shots I focused on were from the Atlantic Ocean side of the park when I started editing and I disregarded the rest. The other day I went back through and puled these out, I did not like them in color but I do kind of like them in black and white, although some might find them a little glaring.


Actually I had one more but, I haven't edited anything. This shoot was a nightmare, nice girl but she wanted to shoot swimwear and picked a park with no beach in Kissimmee, Florida surrounded by families and old people and was terrified to actually stand up or be anywhere halfway visible or really wear swimwear except in the one shot on the boardwalk in the bushes, which I understand, but pick a different place next time. So now I have to head home to deal with the insurance companies 5th inspection of damages to my home from Hurricane Michael over two years ago, but at least depositions start soon, so keep your fingers crossed that I win my court case with a good outcome. If all turns out well, it's back here to the Tampa/Orlando area for good.


A couple different beaches, the waves here are pretty shitty, but i have to admit I haven't had this much fun shooting in a long time.

Thanks ladies, I just need to be somewhere with some serious surf.Β  Here it almost has to be a tropical storm for good waves.

I took these from the beach with the same lens at St. Andrew's State Park in Panama City Beach, Florida. The old guy was kickin' it. I just picked up a new lens which will give me a full 900mm (600mm full frame on my D7200), I can't wait to test it, I may have to try some board portraits first until we get some decent surf.