We need to catch up! How about taking a ride on the Pan-American Highway? It seems to me very beautiful to observe how climatic zones change, and with them the landscape. Few people have ever ridden this road on SG. A great blog will turn out!  Any more suggestions?
That ride is one of the first things  doing when I hit my soft retirement in 5yrs. I'm thinking somewhere tropical or maybe a cruise. I've never been on a cruise or in the southern hemisphere yet, just a fair amount of Europe and some SE Asia

One of those days where it feels like the snowball is starting to turn into an avalanche. If you're there or have been there, I understand and have a digital (real if you're actually nearby) hug for you. We'll get through whatever is getting at us.


I have 3 days left out here in Vegas, probably more like 2 days because Sunday will be a lot of work. So far I've seen Cirque du Soleil Ka, Mystere, and O. Looking for suggestions on any other shows as I'm not super into gambling. I'm thinking a burlesque show or two (if only Blackheart Burlesque was going 😥)


Just a simple wrist gauntlet with a lead wrap follow. Easily transitionable to being tied around a post of some kind 😈

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This is beautiful!! 😍❤️‍🔥
I could do more if I wasn't doing it on myself 😉

I've been looking for this on many streaming and digital video services and never could find it. Found a reasonably priced DVD collection and self gifted it for my birthday! One of my all time favorites!


Happy birthday to me today! 🥳🥳🥳

There's not much to do around my area and my friends and family are back in Michigan. I'm curious, what do others do for their birthdays? So far I'm filling mine with old movies, sweet treats, and some video games.

Happy birthday! It’s just another day for me honestly when it’s my birthday hahah
oh, with the past Happy Brithday🥰