Slow adjustments to The New Normal. People are hitting a second level of stock-up here on island. Normal canned isles, the beans are GONE. But ethnic food isles, they're untouched. Frozen veggies? GONE. Fresh veggies and frozen fruits and canned veggies untouched.

There is a bunch of ways to prep and I get that some people don't have the means to have a couple month...
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Wild couple weeks!

Pow Wow just had it's 10 year anniversary event for Hawaii. They do events all over the world, but it's home is Hawaii. It was over a week of murals going up, artist events, concerts and gallery events and more. I got some digital photos in, but I mostly ran around with some film cameras and I can't wait to get those...
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Little delayed, but a lot of my resolutions are centered on creating... so I made a 2020 poster thing about optimistic creation.

The process for making this was something I call "Automatic Design," after the surrealist "automatic drawing." Idea is going into the piece with only a vague idea or direction maybe, and just chaotically moving shapes around and letting the concepts take form on
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This... did not age well did it? Well 2022 is 2020 too so second chances n stuff.

Great finds at the bimonthly film swap ^_^ New finds for my little Nikon 35mm, got a shift lens for architecture and a great closeup bellows that should be nice for portraits. Still hoping to fabricate or find parts to make a technical camera system so I can blend the different tools I have, but looking forward to testing out some of the new things...
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Starting the new year with an extended workweek, but it's followed by my time getting freed up again. I may have time to go to the fireworks on island each week, and the overtime from all the extra start-of-year hours could go a long way to upgrading my digital camera (which sorely needs it).

Much as some routine is nice, having change in schedules and
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maybe just conditioned after forty some years, but the drone ones seems less "american" to me.we had a laser show in my area as well and i jus looked at it thinking "heres the'merica? when are we gonna blow shit up/" fun to watch all the same
@jimmieknuckles yeah it's a tricky balance. The intel drones have dome some amazing works, but they remind me of the fireworks in Tron:Legacy more than traditional.

Making resolutions has always been weirdly important to me, been making a big deal out of them since I was like 8 or 9. At some point I figured out that a list of resolutions didn't work though. I kept getting vague or just making an endless silly bucket list.

Maybe 5 years ago I began to make a list of "areas of improvement" that...
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great plans, great text! thank you for sharing and good luck💖
@unita Thanks ^_^