Hi everyone, I´ve been kinda offline the past weeks due to a health issue... but rest assured, I´m back in black and ready for adventures!!!
From the keyboard. Adventures in real life... not unless we got a lot of bug spray. Like, A LOT.

I'm sorry to hear you were not feeling well. As for bug spray, yes. I have more mosquito bites than fingers for not putting my Off on. *smirk* Seriously. Adventures online are often more fun, less costly, and don't have the same capacity for regret that adventures in real life offer. =) Happy adventures.

Hello SG land! Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Star Wars day to all, fans and no fans! And specially for those I've met here who share this passion, like @cvtgrrl_shan, @zarannah and @vader. I almost forgot about @penny's awesome SW themed set!!! Anyway, have a great May the 4th!

Thanks 😘😘
Happy Revenge of the Fifth 👹 👈 that's as close to a Darth Maul emoji as I could get.

So I woke up today just laughing outloud about a joke my stupid brain came up with during a dream. So, Han Solo and Luke Skywalker are sitting on a beach. Suddendly the Millenium Falcon drops to the sea. Luke goes "what a piece of junk!" And Han replies "damn... well I guess I can skip that oil change I had coming up..."

Laughed so...
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