I shot this series at a local Motel in the Honey Moon Suite.

I had met with my client for the first time. As I was setting up my lights, the model had let me know she brought multiple outfit choices but she was uncomfortable at this point in her modelling career with nudity.

I can't express how important it is to use active listening
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One of my clients recently ended a toxic relationship that left her feeling lost in the universe. She use to have so many passions and talents that she had stopped focusing on in order to meet the needs and expectations of someone else.

Eventually she came to her senses and decided that it was time to move on. She began mission to rediscover all the...
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OBSIDIAN has a Valentines Day themed DELUXE set of 33 pictures for sale including a series of NSFW images.
Show this woman some love and purchase her full set HERE

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During my absence I did get to do small a non-SG related photo-shoot. Helping people feel beautiful and confident about them selves, (especially those who may not have a background in modelling) is one of my favourite aspects of my job.

Also if you enjoy my work please give my SG page a follow.

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Hey SG, I am back.
It is a new year and a new me.
I have been working on further educating myself and growing my skills towards my craft.
I have been making connections and friends and life has been getting better everyday.
The biggest reason for my absence on the site is a serious change in residence.
Packing is disgusting and moving is annoying...
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With returning to your family! Also I wish success :)