Hey everyone!, hope everyone is ok and safe during this weird time. Now can you imagine being on a deserted island?, not like that castaway film or lost but somewhere alone with wifi, electricity etc. But the only thing is you could only have 5 movies to watch for the rest of your life?!?!.

Heres mine:
1. Howls moving castle - Studio Ghibli
2. When...
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Hey everyone!,

I hope you all enjoyed my new set Lightnings Desire, and to celebrate it being released I felt to write a blog as to why I chose that character and the ideas behind the set.

So as some of you may know I am an avid gamer and have been since a child and Final Fantasy was always a game I picked up...
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Thank you for the background to this set, being older and not a gamer this cos play is kind of lost on me to a degree.  I wish more models would put a little note to go with their cos play sets so that numpties with no clue, like me, can at least go and look up the cartoon, tv series, film, game etc. to gain some perspective.  That said I never pass a cos play set by.  It is also interesting to hear the stories in general behind sets, such as in this case about your planned costume and the ensuing problems and how you overcame them.
@25901jfm I should have done a blog for every set thinking about it but this one created much more work and perseverance so I'm glad I was able to explain it better, and as you said it's good to explain a cosplay set for those who are unsure on the character x