So now that finals are over, i can keep posting like crazy again!

Hi everyone!!! Missed you all!

Things have been major crazy vill for me as of late. I don't think there's a weekend that goes by where I am not doing something... well at least since memorial day. I have been partying and going to things for Sydney_Askew from her plays to her...
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Ive decided on at least 3 more tattoo's

no idea where there gonna go... but yea...

i just decided on my first. I want a hello kitty head with a red bow but i have no idea where i want it , my hubbys friend tattooes though and he said he would do it free for me....Ekkkkk!
I wish airplanes in the night sky were like shooting start
I could really use a wish right now...

That song is stuck in my head!
So with the deadline of school ending, its forcing me to realize that I need to transfer to a university. That is a bit daunting to tell you all the truth. I know I want to be a Doctor, that much I am completely certain of. The only problem I seem to be having, is getting there. Before applying to med school, out here, I...
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School does suck. I'm sure you know better than I, but are you sure that it really makes no difference what you major in. It is my recollection that, at least in the past, it was advisable to do a lot of science if you were pre-med. Since science classes tend to be graded tougher, too, it would surely help you if you majored in a science and had a good GPA. Focusing is always good. On the other hand, I'm no doctor.
Thank you all for the love and message's, That was really sweet of all of you.

As of right now im on bed rest. No moving or anything, I even have to go to physical therapy 3 times a week. How sucky is that! So i will have a lot more time to spend updating this thing over the next two weeks. smile

I really don't...
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I am not positive but I don't believe your work pays you directly. I believe all employers have to pay workers comp insurance and the payments come out of that insurance fund.
I'm not an expert but I believe whoever issues your paycheck (the hospital or the staffing service if you work through a staffing service) would be the point of contact. I'm sure the hospital would have an HR dept that would help you, the staffing service I am sure would have a method for it as well since nursing is the type of job where injuries are frequent I would guess.

Sorry you got so hurt. Bed rest sounds good for about 10 hours but after that I know I'd get cabin feverish.

Here is the state website with info:

So now im crippled for a little bit.
I fractured my ankle and wrist as well as pulled something in my knee.... all because someone didn't put up a wet floor sign... im kind of pissed.....

Wow that sucks! I have a rare bone condition so I have broken a few... and it's equally annoying every time.
That's terrible. Hope you heal quickly.
I have to admit, living in my own place is really awesome. I have to clean up more often then I would like because I do live with 2 boy, and it does get messy. I like being able to do what i please and not having to tiptoe around my boyfriends parents *because thats where we were living before this*

The Earthquakes and what...
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Here is a san diego local tv guy that has some fun, good and usually easy stuff. his cocktails are good too:

I know a tons of good recipes .. but basically them are italian foods .. for more variate recipes try here: internet recipes
ITs been to long
I feel like im going threw some sort of with draw!

How is everyone doing?! I hope your all well!!


I got a new room mate! Thank God. My last one was being quite an ass, so when he threatened to move out, i was all for it. So last month I got a new one, and by people standards...
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You might try a temp agency. They will usually work around your hours. Also congratulations on the new roommate. Having a bad roommate can pretty much wreck your life.
My thoughts go out to the people on here who are from Poland

On board a Russian jet were the President of Poland, his wife, the army chief of staff, national bank president, deputy foreign minister, army chaplain, head of the National Security Office, deputy parliament speaker, civil rights commissioner and at least two presidential aides and three lawmakers, according to the Associated Press this...
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Hey everyone!!!
I'm alive, and breathing, and ...well i got nothing ...


So i finally saw the new "Ipad", and i gotta say, im really nor all that impressed. I mean yea, its touch... but its like a giant touch phone, so im not all that happy with it. I was hoping for more, so once again apple disappoints. I don't really know that...
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Hi there!
things have been so crazy lately, i haven't had enough time to even check my email!

I hope you all are doing well, and I'll try to update when I have a bit more time.


when you get the time......we'll be here! smile
Sometimes I wonder if i honestly like my job, I mean when im constantly beat up... well I gotta wonder whether or not my jobs an abusive boyfriend.. Half the time I get the crazy patients, the ones who are detoxing from what ever drug their on and have no actual idea what their doing. Then i get the REAL crazy's... the one's who need...
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You have an admirable job that I wouldn't want to do myself. It's a shame some people don't treat you how you should, but you should be proud to be in a profession that helps people in so tangible a way. But I really don't get people being nasty to you, though it says much more about them than it does about you.
Agree with the above. You do an important job, can be proud of yourself. It sucks how some people don't realise that.