You can read this on Threads here.
Raising your voice against AI art isn’t going to make it go away. Whether you consider it real art or not is entirely moot; the tech is here. This is the analog vs digital argument all over again. Share your memes, write your blogs, make your strong opinions known. But in the end, the reality is simply...
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They said free. All you have to do is make the effort and you get the rewards for free. And then you put in the effort and meet the criteria and then they say congrats! you now qualify for the free thing after you pay for this other thing.

Free isn’t free, apparently.

I signed up for a cybersecurity certification, because it was advertised as...
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🤦🏻‍♂️ Shit like this is the reason why I’m not a fan of our current way of life. We have the potential to be so much better… It would take a tyrant with the powers of a God to see that potential realized, though.
@sorcerer333 perhaps that potential would be null if we did have a tyrannical god pushing that us to realize that potential. I think the potential we have exists because we have the choice to pursue what we might be capable of. Unfortunately, that potential runs in both directions: good and bad. I often think that if scammers put as much effort into building something worthwhile as they do into scamming, what kind of incredible shit would we see? I think, with regard to our current way of life, nothing will change until we change of emphasis from wealth to people.

Once upon a time, I produced music. And to toot my own horn very much, I started getting pretty good. I was diving deep into mixing and mastering to really clean up the mixes of my songs, and my songs were growing in complexity as I learned.

I was fucking king at programming drums.

Then shit hit the fan with one of my projects, life...
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@sorcerer333 patience is key, as they say. What I need to do is buckle down and knock out some of these half-finished projects so they’re not crowding my brain. Little by little, I suppose.
You speak true, @alexislust. There are some things that are easily managed, though I have yet to get most of my base operations to that point. I will get there though! Thank you for your vote of confidence 🙏♥️

I’ve been teaching yoga for over 10 years now and I fucking love it. But I only love it when the people I’m teaching are showing up to work and learn and not passively participate. I’ve taught way too many classes where people show up and think they can do whatever they want, and when I address their lack of effort, they get incensed, they’re...
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There’s a screenshot of a response by Linus Torvalds floating around on social media. If you don’t know who Linus Torvalds is, he’s responsible for developing the Unix system over which MacOS and Linux run. Pretty big brain when it comes to software development. Anyway, in the screenshot, he’s tearing someone up over some change in a piece of architecture, and everyone’s throwing in their...
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🤣😂 Relatable af

Writing code cracks me up. You think you know what you’re doing. You have all the objects and functions laid out. The logic looks sound. And then you run the code and it doesn’t work. Or it works but it’s buggy as shit. You go through the painstaking process of logging each step and setting breakpoints to figure out where the failure is and you...
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By the way, I program too and I know what you're talking about, don't worry that when you least expect it, the code will start to work and you'll have to review it anyway to understand how it was possible 😅
@cere4l_k1ller even prior to review, the code makes sense. It makes all the way up until it works. And you see it and it makes, and it’s bizarre to read it and think that some of the other ways you tried *should* have worked, since all you did was rewrite a function or reshape the way you called an object. What’s a .reduce() method but a for loop? But their nature changes when they’re nested and it’s so strange a thing because in most cases, that should be irrational. Right? Or maybe I’m just too caffeinated 🤷‍♂️😭

“Silence, something about silence makes me sick,
Like silence can be violent sort of like a slit wrist”
—Rage Against the Machine, Wake Up

“The cruelest lies are often told in silence.”
― Robert Louis Stevenson

But also,

“Blessed is the man who, having nothing to say, abstains from giving us wordy evidence of the fact.”
―George Eliot, Impressions of Theophrastus Such

“The world would...
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@sorcerer333 I see what you did there! Lol. I think it’s all relevant as to what is being conveyed. From my perspective, your comments offer depth and consideration. I think that’s a great use of words, and all too often looked over. I appreciate your thoughts as you spell them out on this site. It’s an opportunity to connect.
@cerebus666 🙏🙏

It’s funny how differently tools are valued by operators in different industries. Small business owners may utilize Facebook and Instagram. Artists use Instagram (IG), Tik Tok, and Twitch. Crypto is largely on Twitter. Developers and tech analysts are on GitHub and LinkedIn. White collar professionals are on LinkedIn and Facebook. Everyone’s on either Discord or Slack.

There’s obviously going to be bleed, as each platform...
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Same, @sorcerer333, except for me it’s IG and Twitter. I used to post a lot when I was doing yoga challenges, but now I pop into IG to check my messages and post some stories, and then shout into the void on my personal Twitter, and then I’m off. Though I have been more active on my coding Twitter. It’s proving to be helpful as I transition into cybersecurity. Glad to see that you aren’t spending as much time on something that was contributing to a mental health state that was not so great. It’s wild how social media can affect us so deeply.
It’s wild, but it makes sense. When you know about all of the suffering that’s transpiring, but you can do so little about it on your own - or even in groups - it’s so disheartening.

I’m doing some social media house cleaning as I revamp one of my twitter accounts. I created this account when I was learning to code, for the purpose of immersing myself in all things development, and to connect with others working through the 100DaysofCode challenge. Over the four years it’s been active, I’ve accumulated an interesting mix of coding, crypto, and cybersecurity accounts I follow....
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I purge at least once a year, all social media accounts.  A few years ago I killed off most of my investigative accounts, I’d created & built them since MySpace & Netscape were a “thing”.  It was surprisingly painful in some cases but the change was good….

I went looking for Radical Edward wallpapers for my pen-testing virtual machine (VM) earlier. I was supposed to be working through a cybersecurity certification course, but damn did I need a solid distraction after staring at the screen for a couple of hours, completing module after module. I figured Radical Edward would make the perfect background. Also, I wanted a way to easily tell what...
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I’ve always hates the concept of doing free work for a company for the sake of earning cred or “exposure” as a vile practice. Everyone should get something more than a pat on the back for the efforts they put in for these entities, unless it’s a family business and the person volunteers to help or some such.
I agree, @sorcerer333. I can see the value in two creatives exchanging services to mutual benefit, or a group of people coming together to launch a startup. But when it comes to companies offering experience and/or exposure in lieu of pay, that’s just exploitation.

I’ve been so lost in Tower of Fantasy I have completely left off all my other games for the moment. Early December, Resident Evil: Biohazard went on sale, and it was the whole fuckin’ kit and kaboodle—the main game, the Village expansion, and all the add-ons for it—and of course I bought the bundle because it was hella cheap and who was I to pass...
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@suzuki187 ah that’s good to know. I’m a stickler for working through things, so I’ll end up muscling through Biohazard anyway. Knowing this makes me look forward to Village even more now, thanks!
They essentially tried to make it so that 3rd party content creators for D&D had little-to-no rights to their own works via a small, quiet change to their licensing agreement. If you look up “Hasbro D&D controversy 2023”, it’ll all be laid out there.

I always have the Pokémon theme song stuck in my head after watching a few episodes. It never fails: I finish watching the show for the night and then I find myself singing random variations of it the rest of the night and into the next day until about the early afternoon when it tends to dissipate. Then I watch a few more episodes in...
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Such a cute set! I loved your montage!