Thank you for your kind and helpful comments about my body image issues. I try to be strong and embrace my scar so I can remind others to feel beautiful no matter what. I'm so happy to see @arachnie in her new beautiful set "new life"

I too have had kids and my body changed of course as well. I have stretch marks and a
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Thank you! @arachnie xoxo
Try walking on the treadmill, or riding the stationary bike; I try and do one or the other at least five times a week for 30 - 45 minutes.

So you guys. Lately I've been really stressed out about my body. I have stomach chub that just won't go away. Stretch marks from pregnancies. Now I have found my first wrinkles on my face too. Being 31 has been frustrating. My body is taking longer to get in shape, my face is showing signs of aging. Ugh. I really want Botox.

I'm usually saying...
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First off. you are beautiful and your body is amazing.  You absolutely can not compare yourself to other people especially not on INstagram.  They are them and you are you.  For all those ladies on there that you want to compare yourself to. remember, there is always going to be someone out there that prefers you over them.  It's a persons preference, not a set type.
First (Big Hug!)! I have struggle ALL of my life with body image; it is an emotional roller coaster and that is being kind! It takes a lot in this image obsessed society to truly love yourself for who are warts, tummy flab, man-boobs, stretch marks, and all. When I look at you I see a woman, a beautiful, vital human being, who has been through a lot and is all the more beautiful because you're still here! Give yourself a break, and log as you are healthy the little tummy bump really doesn't matter...Love yourself no matter what, throw off the bonds of societies warped body images and start to enjoy life as your authentic self!