I am so happy the amazing & wonderful @leemalee is now PINK. This has really been a long time coming but at long last its happened. So lets all say a huge CONGRATULATIONS to @leemalee xxxx

i'm happy!  She is wonderful,  @leemalee one my prefer in this site

So all was great until monday last wk, I was all excited and so looking forward to spending time with family then incomes monday afternoon and I started getting that tell tail sign of a scratchy feeling of a bug taking hold. I take my normal stuff I use if I feel a bug starting but this time it did nothing so all week iv...
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I send you hugs xx
Ty @medusaw  xx

Woke up to this this morning BRRRRR its so cold. Were not used to snow like this in the UK where I am were normally lucky if we see a few cm of snow never mind this much over night. Think Ill stay inside for the near future lol Snuggle up on the sofa with a warm blanket, warm drinks & Xbox one hehehehe.

Omg so beautiful

Why on earth do certain people feel the need to bombard groups with hundreds of photos that they have posted around a shed load of time already!!! Dont you think 17+ posts in one yes ONE group a bit OTT, its defo the way to go to get peoples backs up.


OH MY OH MY OH MY I have just seen the new John Lewis christmas advert for this year and all I can say is awwwwwww how darn cute is it. I love Moz hes is just so awwwwww lol. John Lewis definatly have not dropped the ball another awesome advert.


Well today is my birthday and im off out for a meal with my hubby & family, its going to be fab :)

Happy birthday 💋
Hey honey Congratulations..... Happy birthday 💚 💜 ❤️ 

@leemalee_ is an amazing Mexican who should have her own national holiday and be classed as a national treasure, Who here agrees with me !!!

You are so sweet :) <3
She is my prefer!  @leemalee_ 💜

@leemalee_ has had a spectacular new set out today and all I can say is WOW its perfect in every way just as I thought it would be. Please go and give it lots of love and comments.

This has to be the set that turns this beautiful lady Pink & also gives her, her first Set Of The Day which are BOTH long over...
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😍 lovely
i don't know why i didn't see this earlier! Thank you :)

The ever so beautiful @leemalee_ has 7 sets in MR all of them should be given set of the day.

It would be so awesome if you could all go and take a look at not only @leemalee_ s MR sets but also all of her other photos she has on her wall and give them lots of loving.

I would love to @leemalee_ turn
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😊 if I go pink I will definitely have to send a huge thank you your way for all the support ❤️ you're the best! Thank you so much