Happy new year everyone, I had a fabulous time with thelibra in hilton head. We did everytthing from going to the beach to exploring the lovely city of Savannah. For new years eve, we went to a place called the Jazz Corner and heard some great music and good food, plus great company.

Tommorow, Janurary 4th, marks our two year anniversary, Yay us, we rule...
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yay you two!
PS I think someone hacked your myspace, cause you sent out a weird bulletin.
if i were on the burn unit, i'd make you bring me meatballs. hospital food sucks.
Packing for Hilton Head : Done

Wireless network : setup and secured.

Back in the new year, off to hilton head smile
Have fun!
Merry Christmas to all and to All a good night smile

Hilton Head countdown : 2 days smile

Bed time for me, I have to chaffeur my sister to the airport at 4:30 am this morning.
HO HO HO!!!!!!!

hay wait...you're not a ho. biggrin
The countdown to christmas has begun 16 days and counting! Thankfully i am all done with my first semster of grad school and I am pretty sure i did well, I better or else my company will not reimburse me. I have many gifts to buy and so little time left frown Luckily i have shopped for thelibra Already, so my current stress is the rest...
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Have a good time on HHI with the Libra....
Well I am working from home , because i am sick , so i don't reccommend visting i don't want to get you sick biggrin At least i have don't have a major project due for my Grad class next week mad . Wait make that two if you include the paper i need to finish. But , looking on the bright side, both should turn out...
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Nice gift!!!!!!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone smile

I am off to Conneticut for dinner at my cousins. Then i will be heading to road island for turkey sandwiches with thelibra and her family smile

Hope everyone has a great day with family and friends.
I am purely exhausted at this point, it has been a long semster with classes and work is busier than ever.

Luckily I get a few days to rest next week, then i can look forward to a nice vacation in december smile with thelibra in hilton head.

I just don't know why i have been so down lately. frown
You will have a great trip!
So it was about 9:30 This evening and i get one of those restricted calls on my cell phone. Now usually i let it go to voicemail, but i was expecting a call. So i answered , The person on the other end of the line asked me if i could meet them in 20 minutes. I said sure and head off to a parking...
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Long weekend in boston coming up with thelibra. smile

I just have to rememeber not to wear my yankee hat in a bar when we are up their. biggrin

Quick update of my life recently.

1.I am official exhausted and it is only half way through my first semster.

2. Turns out i am sick, I blame my recent Sushi Luncheon.

3. I might be able to see thelibra someday frown Thankfully I have a nice long weekend planned for us soon , up to boston smile

Well dinner time and then off to bed, this...
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Well, thanks god it is friday !. After 4 long days, i get to work from home today which is a luxury for me. For those of you that don't know a typical work day is as follow, Leave me house at 7, get to work by 8 and then i am not hom til after 6pm, twice a week i am not home until...
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Busy man! Hope you have a nice weekend! smile
Me and the Libra had a wonderful time celebrating her Birthday last night, on her official b-day, since she had an amazin part this weekend. We went to this quaint italian restuaraunt called Lanterna.

I am now into my third week of graduate school and so far it has been really interesting. I really thought it would be horrible , but i know that...
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