Going to Myrtle Beach SC July 16-23 if anyone knows of any place to go for fun from a club to a strip club to anywhere 😈😈😈 ,-) <333 TPW xo

Vacation don't even know what a means πŸ˜›πŸ˜›πŸ˜›

Steve Miller was given one free access ticket including a plus one. To his dismay the rest of the band was expected to purchase their own tickets even though Steve Miller and Band were performing during the show 😠😠😠. Steve took care of his Band mates by writing a $10,000 check for each of the performing band members plus one (in some cases). Now he's...
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Please keep me and my family in mind as we deal with the one year passing of our son Alexander. He got sick one year ago on the 26th and passed one year ago one the 27th one day shy of his Birthday 12/28/99.

Hope 2016 is treating you guys okay so far. I'm really sorry to hear about your son <3
I'm so sorry about ur sonΒ 

I just saw a true surrounded by maybe 100 presents all for an only child with wealthy parents. The mother is frustrated and angry over criticism that she spoils and over indulges her child. I pointed out that a poor child who might get one present is embarrassed to say what he got when the wealthy child is bragging. The mother insists she has the...
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A great time was had by all at the #BlackheartBurlesque in Richmond, Virginia. Thank you ladies... ,-) <333 TPW xo