I love to catch surprise and smile from girls

Good food is a perfect route for good feeling, good chat and other

Sometime i cook special dish, sometime go out in my restaurants friends

Everytime is different

Like every girl

(catalana in italy, my city)

He's my model, I try to sometime the same kind of styling but it's much harder than it seems !!!

@elua "Your Sexy Yoga Instructor" by @senseforli

@valy Valy "I own you!" by @andrea_arcore

@marjo "Ethereal Beauty" by @thimeow

@weedxfairy "Wave" by @msilveira

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@elettracallea "summer breeze" by @minuminula


blog post by abashima
Do you enjoy “nightmarish vision” (i.e. films with mind-trippy sequences that don’t necessarily advance the plot [generally a tough sell for me]) but also stop-motion animation? Then may I recommend Stopmotion, which is well directed, horrific, gory to a point that almost got to even me, and has excellent cinematography and an overall perfect look and feel for what they were going for. The plot...
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Some are looking for Lester, but I can not, some are looking for sound, some are hearing for sound. The importance should not be in the not, a kyrielle or only one or descending too fast the scales and falling apart, you play, but the sound of it, which is what you feel, in the end !


@dsd303 also Jomox airbase was a shame by chance I paid mine 60eur to a looser who thought screen was dead but I would hate it if I paid the real price with a kick being so wrong, snare havin a noise problem so you should use a gate. And mostly no ADR on analog sounds !!!!!
An additional Maschine. Yes. That makes sense. I just put the third kick into my modular. I have the same gas problem. 😉
Among the waves
that crash on the rocks,
shiny scales
in the depths of the abyss,
with my eyes closing
and their teeth on my throat

Poem (C): Me
All the rights of the images, effects and GIF belong to their respective owners.
Made by Creative Cloud Express: Design and Canva
Tra le onde
che si infrangono sugli scogli,
scaglie lucenti
si muovono
nelle profondità degli abissi,
con i miei occhi che si chiudono
e i suoi denti sulla mia gola

Poem (C): Me
All the rights of the images, effects and GIF belong to their respective owners.
Made by Creative Cloud Express: Design and Canva
The sound
of the waves,
with the notes of a song,
and in a beat of wings
They drags me into the abyss

Poem (C): Me
All the rights of the images, effects and GIF belong to their respective owners.
Made by Creative Cloud Express: Design and Canva