Have you heard of Polaris before? Their new album absolutely rips! These guys actually got me into metalcore again, I love the creativity, and how well they write about mental health issues. The soaring chorus of this song will sound enormous live! The drumming and Ryan Siew's (RIP) epic guitar work, are the highlights apart from the great vocals and the killer breakdown! I have...
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Funny !! I am listening to The Mortal Coil, the ONLY decent Polaris album IMHO, but live they are amazing, they came to Switzerland last year and they (surprisingly) played in a relatively small venue... which as usual makes the show more "intimate".

I bought this album 9 years ago, after hearing the catchy track 'Call of the mountain'. This album is like one of those sets that you see that just comes out of nowhere and blows your fucking mind, and there's one photo that stands above all of the other epic shots. Well for me, this is that epic! The chorus is huge, and the keychange...
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Glad to hear that my fellow Swiss musicians are having so much effect on you. What is your favorite album? mine is Helvetios and Ategnatos with Fabienne Erni as vocals.
@sdawg74 I really love Origin's. From the moment the album starts, to the moment it finishes. I even like the spoken word stuff on the album. Plus it was my introduction to them. Slania and Helvetios are also exceptional

I'd like to know if I've ever made you smile with a comment. I love making people's days better, so like this if I've made you laugh, or smile

Of course you have! And thank you for always being so kind to me.
You do mate. Always love hearing from you my brother from down under! 😎🀘🏻

Amy Lee was in fine form on vocals. She sounds absolutely mammoth live! I'm so glad I finally got to see Evanescence live! They played 17 songs (one of which was a medley of 4 songs) and Amy barely spoke between songs, which I thought was fucking magnificent. No wasting time for an encore, just giving us the best rock show they could give! Seeing...
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I love her! 🫢🏻

I have listened to Sleep Token's third/latest album 'Take me back to Eden' several times since first hearing of the band. It's a masterpiece, and probably in my top 3 albums of 2023 so far. So anyway, I thought I'd go in reverse and listen to their second album 'This place will be your tomb' from start to finish. Little did I know what I...
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I just want to give my celebrations to @shenzy on becoming an official Suicide Girl! Her hard work and determination has paid off! This photo is one of the best this site has to offer, but her other sets are just as great! Congrats Shenzy, you're brilliant 😍😍😍

Amazing!Β  @shenzy deserves it!

This blog homework is right up my alley. I have been to so many concerts over the years. Well, Since I moved from the country to the big smoke anyway. But when i was living in a country town, and got my licence, I'd travel to the closest city to a festival that no longer happens here in Australia. So here we go.

My first...
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Excellent post and wonderful concerts, my friend!
That’s so incredible and full of wonderful feelings... 😍😍😍😍 Thank you for share πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™

That mountain is Mount Maunganui, or as the locals like to call it, The Mount! It's a dormant volcano in which the city of Tauranga is pretty much built around. The views and lessons learnt when I got to the top were well worth the hike! Fun fact: There's actually an active volcano about 70 KM's out to sea from Tauranga.

Info about the Star...
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Lovin the views it’s beautiful 😍 the skies are so blue
Wow what an awesome location there mate. Great views!! πŸ‘πŸ»

OK, I've only just come across @shenzy, but her set Hold your colours had an instant impact on me. You can see the care and the determination in this set. You can see how important this set is to her. Now this shot in particular should make this set Front Page. It is a powerful shot of a very strong woman. One of my favourites,...
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I agree wholeheartedly!Β  @shenzy deserves front page!

I can't believe I actually found a Bathory shirt in Australia! I love the album Hammerheart, it's one of the best albums ever recorded. I was so happy to find it.

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