Hei hei, it has been a while since the last one but it's time for Smile of the Week again. One of my absolute favorite hopefuls had her debut set this week, and i just have to give her some time in the spotlight.

This week we are headed for France again, and more specifically Lyon. This beautiful woman has a knack for cosplay and...
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Awww thank you !!! ❤❤❤
You are so welcome, @moonkatt. <3

Time for another football related trip, back in a day or so. Wish us luck. <3 Heia Brann <3

Well, im obviously back. Very nice trip rewarded with a exciting 3-2 match result and a mild hangover today. ;)

Star Wars premiere tickets going on sale the 10th of october? That news totally released my inner nerd. ;)

I am so excited!

Hope you all can forgive me recent inactivity. I promise i will be back, things are just a bit crazy at work at the moment and my Insomnia... Well, it's not gone. :p Love ya all. <3


Have been struggling with migraine headache the last couple of days, so im going to skip the smile of the week as it hurts just looking at my computer screen. Fear not, it will be back. In the mean time, why so serious? Smiiiiiile! ;)

of all times:))

Today, the Cycling World Cup 2017 starts in my hometown of Bergen. Wish i cared more, but i really don't. Cycling is not my sport. ;)


It's sunday and it's time for another smile of the week. =)

Today we are headed back to good ol Russia, and more specifically Saint Petersburg to take a look at another beauty. Everyone who knows me know that im pussy when it comes to heights and flying, but the smile of the week is actually a pilot so maybe she can help me with...
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Sweet! ;) <3
Que linda!

A little bit late, but it's time for smile of the week. =)

Im thinking, why not just stay in france a little bit longer, there are an abundance of beautiful woman here. <3

So today we are headed to Toulouse to visit a hopeful from this area. To be honest i don't know to much about this woman as her profile are sparse with...
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Feeling totally knackered today. As good excuse as any to just chill, listening to music, have a few beers and a session of Netflix binging. Have a great weekend everyone. =)


Time for another smile there is, as Master Yoda would say. Smart guy he is, and also right. It's time for smile of the week. =)

Just going to stay in France for another week, as there are beautiful woman showing up whatever direction im looking. It's a kind of magic. <3 This time we are going to take a look at a hopeful that...
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Thanks man :)
@chinaski Your welcome, excellent photography. You have the dream job. ;)