Fighting my beliefs

Seeing no way to return

Rejected inside

Emotional subjection

Justification, released

Darkened by no one

Eclipsed an emerging sun

Anthology, sins

Tortured, of a deprived soul

Hired to consume us all

Fun fact: each of the first letters spells the topic of the Tanka…

I have relapsed life

Connections are not sober

Nothing mentally

Emptied my bottle again

I cannot dry myself drunk

In the grasp of white

The chill finds its way inside

A linger of warmth

Subtle feelings of human

A frightful reminder, death

Lips pressing tight, sealed

Hands mapping out, discovered

Whispers so soft, moans

Being vulnerable, nude

Intertwined together, warmth

Passionately filled

Inching in slowly, loving

Quietly you moan

Needing me closer, you grab

Slowly I fill you, screaming

Do I get to cry

Am I completely broken

What is wrong with me

Forever seeing mistakes

Endlessly feeling without

Hang in there!
@babyaries yea nothing will ever stop me. Just it can get very lonely and always seem like an uphill fight… I’m constantly drained.

Faithlessly devote

Religious desecration

Deathly tortured soul

Shunned by everyone on Earth

There is no penitent man


Forever an end

To begin again, timeless

Somehow things look up

Destination unknown now

Plans become discovered soon


I have become numb

Succumbing to being me

Someone without pain

Constantly having to feel

The never ending torture


Faith bleeds my soul dry

No conviction remains here

Undisclosed turmoil

Fighting my demons inside

Surrendering to their will


The road I follow

Leads to a land I don’t know

To an end unseen

Traveling as a stranger

Never to be seen again