So I weighed myself this morning and was 77.8kg for a BMI of 27, three months ago that was stuck at 83kg-85kg, so I am happy about it. I was aiming for 78kg so I'm changing my target to 75 and hoping to reach 70kg at some point.

It's not illness but because of one of my medication changes I had to remove banana's from...
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How interesting! You have changed only one product in your diet and achieved such changes! That's cool! I can't stop with this!!!!!! I'm sorry for that!! Without irony.
No, changing the item was not what instituted the change. It's more the mass difference in what was being eaten. The banana's, on average, are about 400g, though more accurately range between 300g - 500g each, whereas a handful of almonds weigh between 30g to 40g. The medication forces a higher retention of potassium so the bananas, which are high in potassium with relatively high magnesium for a food, had to be dropped and I had to figure out an alternative source of magnesium. Nuts like almonds and cashews are by weight higher in potassium as a percentage (about 60%-80% more) but ten times higher in magnesium, so a tenth of the weight in nuts will net me the necessary magnesium.At some point I expect the loss to plateau so that there's no discernible change. Once that happens I'll have to reduce my dietary intake by a percentage to provide a similar effect.

When I saw the trailers for "Fallout", I thought "Oh no! They are going to make a mess", because that's what the trailers looked like. Then I saw decent reviews from Game Reviewers and I thought, "OK lets check out the first episode". No regrets.


I got my e-bike on Friday. Rode it on Sunday to check whether I still had bicycle muscle memory. Rode it to a relatives to have Christmas lunch. Misjudged stopping on the crest of a rise, missed my footing and fell. Got to Lunch, spent time with family. Rode home had shower to wipe the sweat off, which poured into the scrapes inducing muted grimacing...
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I bought playing Starfield in Premium Early Access. Took a week off for it. I've been enjoying it immensely. I have three characters, the original male, a female for a situation test and as of this morning a Male Ronin Build. TBH I realised that the backgrounds and the prior career of the character have low impact on the characters, so it mostly doesn't mean...
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One of my work positions is being a member of the Work Environmental Committee and one of the videos I created and edited was about that in the context of the office. So I researched and the information on lighting had some interesting points. The cost of turning an incandescent light on is much as being left on for a minute. A flourescent light takes...
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I walked out of work today, having spent it doing Video Editing, work well outside of my expertise. As I looked towards the dormant volcano on the way to where I live, my heart lifted as it sometimes does with the thought "I'm home. Home! No longer in the Australian wastelands. Huzzah!". I've had those thought for some five years now. Home!


I bulk cook my meals and freeze them. eight bolognese and six lamb stew. This week I made the stew, however I was a little tired of frying the bones and other remainders. So I decided to turn them into a soup along with potatoes, brussel sprouts, onions and peas which turned out to be quite tasty and added three additional meals of soup. The...
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There was a moment when I realised I'd made a critical mistake (In this case a minute into the walk home). It is/was raining so hard that it soaked my tousers in less than a minute and began pouring down them into my gumboots. I had the rain trousers in my bag but hadn't put them on. That being said the backpack got soaked too....
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....but from looking up some data it's a Flu Variant, effectively determined by the colour of the Sputum which is apparently a green colour when Flu is involved. Of course I have a slight fever, a slight headache and cough congestion. I'm hoping it breaks soon.


.... and still is, but New Zealand was pretty successful in keeping it out until Omicron. The reasoning for NZ keeping it out and slowly lifting restrictions was due to the low ICU beds and competent nursing staff numbers.

Now I got my booster on Thursday. I had a fever Friday afternoon which broke overnight. Saturday night I developed a light cough which was aggravating...
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