Guess who's going to see The Phantom of The Opera on his birthday? Yes, that's right, this fucking guy! My girlfriend has just brought tickets to see the musical. It's closing in 2024 and I knew that this musical was on my bucket list to see live, and now my girlfriend has guaranteed that I will see it. I've always been intrigued by this musical...
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I really love the Phantom of The Opera

Jodie Comer is up for a role as a Bond Girl and if you guys remember right, about two years ago, I made this piece, then updated it last year.

Perhaps next time, my powers can reveal to me next week's Lottery numbers. That'd be grand :-D

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@kungfury Partly I'd like the idea of Tom Hiddleston, but I feel that he perhaps doesn't really have the build to be Bond. Cavill would also make a great Bond though. A little part of me would also like to see Tom Hardy as James.
Yeah I do any of those dudes as Bond. Was up for Idris Elba as Bond too but I know he didn’t want to do it. I think Henry would be awesome as Bond. But my bet is they’ll pick a new unknown actor. See what happens. Be interesting though
Taking a short break from Bowie '24, I present Billie Joe Armstrong. Like him, hate him, you cannot deny the impact he and his band, Blink 182, have had on the music industry! (LMAO). Green Day's new album, Saviors, is out on Friday, and I cannot be more excited.
@mirameow joins the Bowie '24 club, whether she meant to or not :-). I tried to somewhat replicate the Aladdin Sane cover for this one and she helpfully provided the headwear LOL. I'm still working on getting a manipulated lightning bolt thing to work and am still not fully impressed, but there we go. Gorgeous ain't she, though? The image of the beautiful woman comes from her third set, which was shot by the very talented Andrew Balasz. Hope you all like it :-)
Bowie... This is a family story here... I remember my grandmother listen bowie when I was a child.. My first fav movie? Labyrinth ❤️❤️
@ravenivy The day after he left us, my girlfriend and I watched Labyrinth, which brought a sense of catharsis. We weren't saying goodbye to David Bowie, we were saying "See you some point down the line, Starman". Thank you for sharing your Bowie story and I hope I do him justice with these pieces. Also, your grandmother has awesome taste in music :-)

I have decided that, I quite like writing, as it is more of a mental challenge to me than making artwork. Making artwork is always fun and I encourage anyone to get involved in it. It is always fun to use images of these beautiful ladies and then place them in your own artwork, whether that be digital artwork or actual true artistry, but there...
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I agree with @cerberus660 & @adam_bovary 100%. Just be yourself Leigh. I just write and just wing it you know. And also it’s best to write from the heart & soul. Instead of being like someone else. I have read some of your blogs and they’re good mate. Since it’s you. Just be you. There’s only one KungFury. Just be Leigh and you will gain more a following. People love someone being themselves. So basically keep being your awesome self and just write without too much thought into it. Tbh I’ve had years of blogging before coming on SG on sites like CAWS.WS which was a forum where it posted create a wrestler formulas for the WWE games and has a blog feature there. As well as writing movie reviews for a newsletter in my social group back years ago. So had some writing experience. Joining here just reawakened my writing after a few years on hiatus after seeing @xheartswornx blogs years and just started on my own. I’m glad I inspired you to do your own blogs mate like Xander did for me back in 2018 when he was around. So thank you for thinking highly of me. Does mean a lot. Look forward to seeing them. You’ll do great!! 😊👍🏻
I look forward to seeing your writing and cheering you on, my friend!

Before I continue on with my stupidity (You've probably guessed that my stupidity this time is to see how many graphics I can get done in one day.) I want to wish all of you a very merry Christmas. That goes to everyone who follows me, likes my blogs or artwork, or to anyone who needs it, tbth. Christmas is the time of giving and...
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Merry Christmas, dear ! ❤️
Merry Christmas dude, hope you had a good one!!