Hey, I have the internet again. That's pretty neat, huh?
Me too, and I read it yesterday mourning, it was really good.
you disspapeared frown
Okay, I guess I'm Ratchett on the Eonar realm, with the hordes. This game is pretty confusing.
happy birthday
Happy Birthday! smile
So I started playing Wow. I know, wow. How could I? A betrayal to myself. I'm waiting for the patch to finish downloading so I can crack out and see if my friends are online. If I knew what server I'm on, I would totally post my information, but I don't, because my friends just picked the server they're all on. Ah well.
It's the first day of the rest of your life! ;-) WoW isn't so bad...if you're looking for new and inventive ways to waste time and a really sexy-looking chat room, you've found it! I always say I'm gonna quit, but I keep crawling back... eeek
Well it's still good. I like your hair or lack of hair, you look great. Not many women can do that and still be atractive.
I feel like a baby. Brand new. It's summertime, I just quit my job, I just quit my boyfriend, I'm out of school, and I need structure. I also haven't been doing very much modeling lately (okay, none at all), I'm about a month away from shaving the rest of my hair (I haven't updated with my new hair yet, I don't think, I'll remember...
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i know this is random, but i was scrolling through groups and saw your profile pic, it stood out! Just wanted to say that its an awesome photo.. smile biggrin

and so is the stephen melvin one at the bottom.. great location and lights!
Your letting this guy take advantage of you. You need to sit him down and tell him what he needs to do, and it needs to be done by a certian date. Cause what he's doing to you is'nt right.

Sitting down and planning out everything you need is a good idea and planning craft time in your week is aswell. and both of those pics are great.
It's balls hot. In fact I must leave the computer soon for it is radiating heat that I could very well do without. Back to night #4 of red wine, candles, and squashing fast beetlebugs.
I know, the heat sucks. It gets too hot and way early in the day. It's only going to get worse frown
Hmm. So I broke it off with Frogstar a couple of days ago. It's a sticky situation. I still really love him, but we've been going out for over two years now, I haven't been single in almost 3, and we just fought constantly. We're still sharing the same bedroom, although we are in the process of clearing out the other bedroom so he can...
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Well yeah it's going to be hard for him. You did the dumping and the two of you still live together, so he sees the woman he wants everyday. The two of you have a tough road ahead.
So all of my family is in California. Well, not all of them. But my mom, stepdad, sister, brother in law, niece, grandma, and grandpa are all visiting my sister in San Diego. Swell. Thanks for, um, the invitation.

I feel like I've been excommunicated or something.
Um. Holy shit. I mean it. Holy shit. I just got a new bright shiny monitor (that a friend gave me) and I've been introduced to a brand new world of SG. There are tabs. That is so cute. And it's so colorful! I finally understand what people are talking about when they say that the Suicidegirls post in pink. This is woa. Good job,...
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So the last monitor was pretty shitty.
I think I'm starting to feel it. The nausea. The sinking feel of slime falling from your throat into your stomach, for it to rot and decay. I can't look at the monitor, the radiation is destroying me and my body is letting me know. I'm fucked up. In all sorts of ways. First of all, my lungs are not happy. While eating some hummus...
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That sounds painful, I really hope you feel better soon. smile
Spent the night riding around with an awesome photographer, looking for locations, finding dark places to park, sneaking to said location, getting naked, posing, and then running to my robe after hearing a car coming.

Fun. tongue
That does sound like fun. Im sure the pics will be great smile