Hey Girls and Guys!

I was just wondering what it takes to become a SG photographer? Are there any models out there willing to model for an aspiring photographer or photographers who can give some advice, tips and tricks? Any help or mentoring would be greatly appreciated !🙏♥💚

You're welcome 😊😊
I Have a potential model interested! My friend just got a huge back piece and she wants to show it off!!

We had a fun little Vacation here! She got to party and I got to geek out. I promise to post more pictures once I get them downloaded.📷☺️😁

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What's up South Floridians I have 4 extra Sunfest Tickets to give away for tonight...shoot me a message if you are interested!!!☀️☀️😁😁

Did I mention they are free🙄

The winds are picking up but nothing to bad. It's raining pine needles🌲🌀🎑 but no trees or even branches have come down in my area. A few tornado warnings but I haven't heard of anything major happening yet. I love the rain and The wind , I truly enjoy the display of power that the weather/nature is capable of. I hope no one is hurt...
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Stay safe out there.
@tali79 thanks will do ! you too.

Oh the suspense. It looks like the eye wall shifted west putting us just out of the "cone" of error. I was kind of looking forward to the experience but am grateful we are, or appear to be, dodging the most destructive parts of this storm. 🌀🌪️🌊


Irma is on her way! But seriously Irma? Of all names? Why not Glenda or Ethel, if a storm kills me I want her to have a badass name 😏🌀🌪️🌊🌧️


It's a beautiful Saturday morning! The air is light and warm, the roads are still sleeping and the sky is painted tangerine pink. I love south Florida!

Civilized Savagery:

What now?
I've come to embrace the harsh reality that no good is without its bad and that all pleasure is either followed or preceded by…. pain. Love, is no exception.

What now?
The painful sting of the break, the dull grind of the ensuing solitude. Both are o’so familiar to me now. Im learning to condition myself to embrace both. The good...
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I'm in the deep end.
I've never been more ok and this fucked up at the same time. The Embodiment of responsibly irresponsible, the very definition of perfect imperfection.

I'm not cold or disconnected as you say...rather.. calculated, controlled, disciplined... yet loving..the perfect balance of selfish and selfless...a beautiful blend of pleasure and pain...nature at its finest...a humble ego striving for the next...stroke..
yea i...
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A Beautiful Disaster.

Her mood changes like the tides. Shallow then...deeper now.

Decisively indecisive, her choices are, never permanent.

Ever changing, like the waning and waxing of the moon, always pushing forward, also back, to her most pleasurable moment... now and then.

A display of choreographed chaos, her mind.... Is... A Beautiful Disaster.

This Is Civilized Savagery.