hey there beautiful..seen u on snapchat takeover and thought u were gorgeous . keep up the good work..all the way from australia xx


Smitten right down to the ground by the captivating candor in everything you post. Just like the famous perfume, you stay on my mind!

From jaceun


Hope you arent caught up in the planned power cut and are staying warm and dry.  😘

Thats great to hear you are well, except for your joints. Glad yournpower is on and keeping the cold at bay. Im ok...just hunched over lookin like a salaryman in need of a good bin to chuck this paperwork in ;-) And a little nose rub for such a sexy Eskimo. Enjoy your evening pretty! xx
Aw definitely my house is like a sauna, I have the heating on at 28 degrees ☺️ Ha ha sending love and an invisible target to throw scrunched up paperwork at. Also Eskimo kisses right back at you. 🌬👃🏻😘 have a great evening too Hun xx