Hey everyone,

I know before anyone says anything, I am sorry I have not fullfilled my promise to you all about keeping regular blogs and such. Its hard with the work I do and all the traveling and working in camps and in the middle of nowhere where there is no internet or cell service. I am sorry and do wish to be able to...
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Wow, first thing, its surprising that I am doing another blog so quickly after the last one LOL. But like the title says, things change quickly in a month.

The new job is awesome, but I have resigned and today is my last day here. I had to have a serious think over this job and came to realize that the person who is my...
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WOW! and I dont mean the online computer game either (though it does rock!) 2022 is almost over already. Here we are in my birth month and I am once again on the side of a mountain in Northern British Columbia (only 7 km from the Yukon) at a mining camp wondering where this year went to. I have to say it was a very...
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The new job sound nice, and perfect before your official retirement. & kudos for getting some physical activity in. 😊
For me time went slow idk why πŸ˜… Hope you relax also besides work, sending my best vibes ❀️

Well its been a month since we entered 2022. So far so good. Been a busy month with work and such. Helped deliver 2 baby's into the world. Worked hard out in the gas and oilfield. Seen some new technology out there that is helping us reduce our foot print and protect the environment. Helped do some reclaiming of old oil sites. We went in...
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Thank you for sharing πŸ’—

Wow, been awhile. Lots have happened since the last blog. Really been thinking the last few days of doing a blog but was not sure how in depth I should get. Really had no where to go to rant about this stuff and really the last few months have been going down memory lane and honestly not sure if I am comfortable with the walk...
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As I sit here, in my office I have the time to reflect on the last few months and the changes that have happened. This virus has really shook the world up and not totally in a good way. I find my emotions some days getting the better of me. Happy, sad, pissed off, upset, amazed. Those are just some of the feelings I have...
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@canadianpolabear I wish you all the best that life can give you.. Y are so pretty... I understand so much y.. In Italy the situation is really difficult but I try to keep smile.. Thank you so much for sharing your feelings ❀️❀️❀️

Hey everyone, I posted this on Facebook and thought I would here as well. I feel a real strong need to do this for myself before I explode inside. If this offends you in anyway I am sorry, truly, but these ARE MY feelings in this matter. I do welcome comments both good and bad to have a discussion but please be warned. I have...
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@pointman11 not a problem i like having discussions and learning from others. its the people who want to bash me for my views be it political or other that i have problems with. At least with you we can discuss and exchange information and learn. Yes all 20 of the first nations have the support of their people. I believe the stat that I seen was it was around 80% support for the projects and 20% against the projects. Its the 20% that the 2 hereditary chiefs are using to try to stop the pipeline from being built. The have gone as far as to create "widowmakers" in the treeline and some other deadly traps to kill or at least maim workers, police who move in to do the work that was approved. Its crap like that, that really can get to a person you know. As for having the interest of the people I believe both the private company who is doing this project and the natives who are supporting it, have their interests for sure being looked after. The natives are going to get training, and on job training for their people, funds in for schooling for trades work and also for some people to look after the pumping stations, and the pipeline itself. Funds coming in to help the communities as well yearly royalties that will be coming in. The private company will obviously be making some money on this as well since they are the ones paying for it. It s going to be a good project and open up some markets in Asia as well which Canada needs badly. Not to be an ass but the feeling we get up here is America does NOT want us to have this pipeline as once we open a market in Asia, we will be in competition with America, hence why we have quite a few American organizations up here funding these so called "protesters".
I have no clue what people is protesting for, but when you pass from legal to illegale, your protest is automatically a failure, no excuses.

Wow. I made it to the last day of 2019. Its been one hell of a decade for me. 2 heart attacks. triple by pass surgery. Losing my ability to be a fire fighter. Pretty rough decade. BUT I do get to say some of this decade is pretty good. I got a new longer term job AFTER my triple by pass, I have a...
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I wish you the best for next year! Happy Holidays! πŸ’–
One of the main things I love SG for is people like you. The stories. The experience. The very soul. Thank you for your post. May the new year be surprising, mostly in a positive way. You’re a truly strong and brave person!

Hey everyone!

God I do suck at these updates. I am back. Back again. Shadys back.....er wait sorry mind decided to wonder off there for a sec. Ok so new update. well.........

Things are too bad to be honest. A bit of nightmares still hanging around, i think alot of it from stress that i put on myself to make sure i do a good...
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Hey everyone,

Firstly I need to say sorry to all you wonderful people who are following me, and messaging me lately. I know I have ghosted and I am sorry, but living with PTSD really does mess up ones mind sometimes and finding the energy to write something down that does not seem dark, depressive or just creepy, is extremely hard at times. I know...
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PTSD can certainly mess with a person’s life; I’ve seen it over and over again. I hope things improve for you! Be sure to show us more of your awesome photos of the Great White North! πŸ€—
I'd love to read an update soon and you know I can handle dark and creepy just fine. πŸ˜˜πŸ’› Hope you make it to camp on time.

Alrighty, as it was pointed out to me, it has been a month since the last blog *told ya all I suck at blogs* so here is a quick update before I head out for lunch.

Finally made it home on the 23 Oct after 44 days out at work. Was extremely stressful rotation for work this time. Stress of the job and seeming to...
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Awesome blog! It sounds like you work very hard! πŸ€—

Hey everyone,

I know I know, bout bloody time I did another update blog. I am so bad at these things. And I know I have been on the site quite a bit looking at new and hopeful sets, and reading blogs and forums and such. Anyways here we go:

Hope you all are doing well. Hope that life is going good and that everyone...
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Amazing place 🌸
Paradise ❀️‍πŸ”₯