Fun stuff. Talked to my doctor today and found my toe is fractured/broke. Not the best time for this either, as if any time is good for a broken bone. At least this one happened during martial arts for once (instead of elsewhere like most other injuries like this for me).

@dariianity That I will do. It won't stop me, though it will slow me.

GTA 5 is done for me completely now unless I get a very strong inkling for the story again, or get specifically requested to join something.


Like the title says, ask me anything. Feeling spontaneous tonight and wanting to do something different. All answers will be assured truth, it is dishonorable to lie afterall.

@dobleeffe Almost forgot that @vexaltyn is on my short list of favorite Hopefuls too (still thrown by the name change, was trying to link the old name)
The Dragonlance Chronicles is a really REALLY long series following different story arches in the universe, mainly the story follows Characters like Tanis Half-elven , Tasslehoff Burrfoot a halfling, A few dwarves ....  It's basically the Lord of the Rings in a way... 

First advocacy of the new year! And this one is from the phenomenal @booba and her set Beaming which has just blown my mind. So check it out without delay!


New year is upon the world now. Here on the US West coast we are among the last, and for me doing it as part of an opera. That part is fun.

I'm ready for some changes from the old year and as much as I want some to happen fast it will take time. I am patient though.

Happy New Year everyone!


As some who may know things about me, I love video games. So this time I am advocating for gaming community connections. There is an Xbox One community that @drunkbadger414 and @tattoolover1992 oversee, their thread link is here: https://www.suicidegirls.com/groups/gaming/thread/571318/

And not too long ago I asked around and found no PSN Community for SG existed and created that. The thread for that is: https://www.suicidegirls.com/groups/gaming/thread/571621/

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@tattoolover1992 Not surprising. Sad for it to go that way. Well, I'm still in to play with you or most anyone on the games I have.
@demonwolf just shoot me a message with your gamertag and we can group up! Me and another member thought about starting a new one, but requiring frequent check ins and interaction within the group. But Idk for sure if we are going to do it or not yet. Oh, and happy new year!

I hate being sick. As "nice" as it is to have a legit excuse to not do anything but tv, books, & video games it sucks. And on Christmas too. That's a first, had to happen sometime.


Another round doing a backup team for the Wings Seminars Personal Effectiveness Seminar. As much eagerness as dread for doing this because of the great work in it. Amazing personal growth, and kicking down the doors I've put up in my head and don't want. So easy for me to get comfortable with things as they are, making change "hard" when it is only as...
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Personal growth is infinite satisfaction <3