I met a girl biggrin
The most hurtful thing anyone has ever said to me:

Too true.
I genuinely feel as though I have received a sign from a higher power and I have never been so ecstatic in my life.
I have a story to share!

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

There was once a young prince who was on top of the world; he had his entire future laid out before him and was well on the path to reaching his dreams. Life was good. But then, on one fateful night everything was ripped from him. He was cast out from his throne and banished...
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The problem with getting to know someone is that you eventually see the dark parts. That's always when they run.
Its a good time right now. First night ut drinking in almost a year. i feel fantastic. Went to a con tonight just for the after parties. Open bar. Hot tub. Fun times. Hmmm... i miss cons. If anyone is planning to go to Sugoicon at Ft. Mitchell IN at the end of Oct. you should def. hit me up. Plans are to go have...
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So I got my girlfriend an SG account last night for her birthday. And they charged me six times for it. I really hope this gets fixed. Ugh.
Guess who's back? YAY! ME! Oh god! SO a lot has changed, living situations, relationships, school, employment, so much stuff and I don't particularly feel like recanting, but I have a whole new life and it feels great. Can't wait to get active in the community again biggrin
Welcome back
I have court again tomorrow over the EPO I was served. I just want this nightmare to stop. I just want to go home to my normal life where all i have to worry about is class and bills. I dont want to deal with the police, I don't want to deal with lawyers or judges, or anything like that at all. I just want...
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/sigh, just when I think things are going smoothly I get an EPO today. Apparently someone got a hold of her new number and has been calling her. I haven't even gotten around to changing the number in my phone let alone give it out to anyone. Why the hell would I? I just want this to be over so I can go home. Giving...
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There are things going on in my life that I don't fully understand. A range of emotion that I've been through before and never wanted to experience again. This is going to be a harsh three weeks. I don't know whats going to happen, or how everything is going to end, but i guess we'll find out. I cut off all possible contact just to...
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