$2.00 Tip From Anonymous


$10.00 Tip From Anonymous


$2.00 Tip From Anonymous


$1.00 Tip From Anonymous


$10.00 Tip From jtelson


Good Luck with you Doggy

Thanks baby πŸ’•πŸ₯°

$15.00 Tip From chrismess


Hope this little bit of cash helps, Moro. Sending positive vibes you way. I'm sure your dog will be okay. Good luck!

$10.00 Tip From death69


Here to help your puppy

Thanks sweetie πŸ₯°πŸ˜˜

$5.00 Tip From cheffers


Towards your vet bills

Thanks sweetie πŸ₯°πŸ’•

$5.00 Tip From bigken13


here's $5 for your vet bill. I sorry it's not more but it's what I can give you right now.

thanks sweetie! πŸ˜˜πŸ’•πŸ₯°

$10.00 Tip From jhope89


Towards the vet bill, sorry it's not much.

$5.00 Tip From sar001


good luck

$2.00 Tip From ben_maverick


Lil' contributionnal help for doggy :) hoping all's good for you both 😘

$5.00 Tip From Anonymous


For that pretty smile

You are very cute to say that after the photo I sent you hahahaha 😘😘😘😘🀭

$5.00 Tip From Anonymous


For your animal loving heart


$15.00 Tip From martyn


Just a little tip for you and your amazing cute puppy. Hope that he feels already better, that everything went well and it helps a bit. <3 <3 <3

Thanks a lot honey!The poor man is down, but with all the care he needs πŸ’• thanks 😘😘😘😘

$20.00 Tip From kumar


Here you go beautiful

$5.00 Tip From darkoedd


