What a crazy ass day! First I wake up needing to poop, and as I'm wiping I feel some moisture on my thigh, I look down and see a brown streak and my first thought was "GDmit, really?!?" Until I saw a leg twitching on my thigh, then I saw the rest of the spiders corpse. Glad it didn't get a chance to bite me,...
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This is a truly strange day. But the clouds filled with lightning are awesome!

Stranded in this feeling of loss, at the passing of a loved one. Isolated with these chaotic thoughts and feelings. Waiting for someone to hit the wrong buttons so I may vent on them. Now that she's gone I no longer ask myself "what would she think?". Part of me wants to end it all and join her. With nothing to live for, and no...
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It's been 2 weeks since moms passing, and while I am no longer depressed. I do feel like my demeanor has changed to be more callous. While I am mostly sad that she is gone, part of my is happy that she is gone. I want to believe that she is in a better place. Because she had a rotten life. Not smart enough to...
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Sorry for your loss...
I'm sorry for your loss 🙏🏻

I know no one actually cares about my relationship woes. But, My girl is not very adventurous in the bedroom. She only wants to do it one way. I think it's called doggy style. I sit up and beg, and she rolls over and plays dead.




Captions added by me

Just saw an article that said Netflix is doing a Live action Avatar:The Last Airbender. that will have nothing to do with that garbage movie that came out. And, will start at the beginning of the animated series. If they do it right, I'll watch it.


Something I find Hilarious, Currently there are more people that wear masks than people that don't. And, doctors said that the masks only help prevent the you from spreading it, and does not prevent you from catching it. But I've digressed. Before all this started, if a person walked in wal-mart (or anywhere really) with a mask on. They were instantly considered a criminal. And...
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Don't get me wrong, I am glad to still be working. Even if it was only for the reason that I'd go stir crazy stuck at home. But that's not the only reason. But when I've had multiple people cough in my vicinity with out a mask on, and one right in my face. It makes me worried. Because now I feel like I might have it, had this feeling in my chest that I can't explain, But has not gotten any worse or better. So yea, I'm a bit scared.

Call me a conspiracy theorist or w/e have you. But we know the virus was engineered/altered in a lab. But to what end and for what reason. I feel like it's a ploy, trump or some other politician is going to somehow swoop in and save us, thus getting reelected. And then get more of our freedoms taken away. We now can no longer be...
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As a conspiracy theorist, I thought the same. Dark times are coming

Have been feeling suicidal lately Because my brother whom I have lived with for the past year abandoned me to go live with some chick he's now dating, because her sister screwed her over. (Hrm, Sounds familiar) And, I'll probably be homeless again at the end of next week. Because my identity got stolen and now I have zero credit after disputing it. And, a...
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Hope that everything will be fine!