Damn it's been awhile since i've been on here! Between being really sick and working alot, I just haven't had the time. I don't know who to go to for another set, I don't know any photographers (that I trust anyway). We'll see what happens
Well I am still looking forward to seeing another set either with a professional photographer or not...
Aw damn it....I had to reschedule with the photographer. It's ok though...the outfit I plan on wearing hasn't come in the mail yet. I could stand to lose some more weight too. I do work at a gym, after all...I have no excuse to be out of shape, lol. I had a great weekend though, my boyfriend took me out because we hit the 5...
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Just wanted to stop by to sat that you are an absolutely GORGEOUS girl and that you fit right in with this site! I really loved your Hopefuls set. Very sexy! I also saw the pics of your "natural makeup". I gotta say, I like that look even better on you cuz you have a very pretty face and a stunningly beautiful smile. Can't wait for the next set! BTW, congrats on the 5 months. Hope ya'll have bunches more;-) ooo aaa
I'm so excited, I get to work with a professional photographer this Sunday! I have a pretty good idea for a theme, but I won't say, it's a surprise! It's pretty original, I haven't seen it done on this site yet. Wish me luck! smile
Well I wish you all the luck with the set once it is finished... I am looking forward to seeing you with an SG plastered all over your pics...
ok, I put up an album in my pics section...it's more of a "practice" set, just experimenting with natural makeup and smiling more. Go have a look!

Triwulf said:
Very sensual and playful too... I like it... Plus I noticed you were trying to hide that the demon within wanted to come out and play.... LOL ;-P

haha, you got that right...hard to look "cute" with all those inner demons running around... biggrin

a more natural looking me!
Alright looks like I have the opportunity to work with a professional photographer! I think SG is will hopefully be another title to add to my list, lol. To all who have wished me luck, thank you! You have encouraged me more than you know kiss kiss
Alright, I really am enjoying this site! I now have a pretty damn good idea why my set wasn't accepted, and I honestly feel the criticism is meant to help me, not hurt me. I'm more determined than ever to meet SG's standards. So let's go down the list:
1. lost the porn star makeup, haha. Try a more natural "soft" look....jeez does that scare...
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well, kudos for you, since you accepted the suggestions, instead of geting all worked up like some other girls do!
i just dropped by to congrat on the set, and also on the great taste in music! smile ciao!
Yeah I'm a realistic person, normally you don't get perfection on the first go around, ya know? I figure people are only trying to help, no hurt. Oh and thanks! biggrin
Alright, after looking at the most recent accepted sets, I'm starting to realize what I'm missing here....a good background, good lighting, too much makeup, and having my usual pissy/bored expression. Luckily, I happen to know a professional photographer, but I don't know when or if we could ever take some pictures! And besides, I'm getting alittle discouraged, maybe I'm just not cut out for this,...
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Well, I am totally new to this whole SG thing, so far I'm really liking it. I just wish I was alittle more computer savvy to set up a really killer profile, but um, not my forte'! Any advice (or instruction) is appreciated. For instance, it says I haven't uploaded any pictures yet, but I'm seeing 3 pics! What gives?
the 3 pictures they take from your model application as default until you edit your profile then you can change them. hope that helps! robot
Yes it does, thanks so much! kiss