"Whose hands are these,
Alien and aimless?
Picking through all the things
That I've stored whеre longing lives.
Someonе told me once
Want is never painless;
Someone told me once
Passing is all that pain is...
Inside my chest, a string of wants could stretch for miles.
I think that it breaks apart my fragile ribs
When I'm unmoving for a while."
"I don't know what I need.
I'm scared of life,
I'm scared of what it means to me.
This broken home is
just not what it used to be.
Too fast to slow me down;
Too loud to drown me out.
I doubt I'll ever get this close to what I was,
Because I've seen the grand design.
Hold on, I hope you'll talk about...
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Truth. Brother is still on my regular playlist for dark days.
@skisby that's a good track for those days for sure
Getting divorced was one of the better things that's happened to me in my life.
I said that the other day, and I've said it in the past, and often when I say it (to people who haven't known me that well or long), they'll first ask, "Oh, was she a bitch?"
Nope, I reply.
"Was she an addict?"
Also no, I say.
"She spent...
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Wise words 💕
@alexislust thank you :)

Had a female coworker ask me why men are obsessed with women in sundresses, and I told her "Not only is it very feminine, but it gives the illusion of nudity without being nude."

"That's it? That's the reason? Even if we're wearing underwear, it still gives that illusion?" she asked.

"Yup. Every straight male I know LOVES women in sundresses, and I think if...
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Ahhh the sundress, colorful, casual but stylish, sexy & playful. Shows just the right amount of skin, looks 😍 on ink’d women. They always make me think of fun, carefree & relaxed, warm summer days & laughter 🥰😍 (& that one date that bathed in patchouli, smoked clove cigarettes in my car & talked throughout the concert 😬😡, I liked her sundress though!).  @chikitina has the look down! https://www.suicidegirls.com/videos/140718/de-plus-en-plus-chaud-a-montreal-sassy/
@jacleric thank you sir! @skisby they look AMAZING on ink'd women 😍

Haven't heard this song in like 10 or so years!

saw this great little video where this woman was saying that there's no such thing as a real "incel" (can't recall the exact wording, which is why I won't be using quotes and will instead be paraphrasing).

She said that those men who want to be called that just want women to be sex slaves, unthinking and unfeeling as they submit to the men. Because...
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@jacleric and there's nothing wrong with that! But yeah, incels terrify me with their blatant misogyny disguised as self-pity...
Incels sound scary, @sheashannara.  Sniffs of self-loathing and denial.  Some people need therapy.
I dig it.  Quite hypnotic
@jacleric it is! Glad you like it sir!
I'm re-reading the Wheel of Time series (Robert Jordan is one of my all-time favorite authors, and the reason I tried -and failed- to become an author myself); it's been 5 or so years since I read them again, and one thing that keeps popping up to me is it's...quaint.
I mean, I still absolutely love them, and I still love his world building and...
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Man, I miss Rush :(